Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Fabrice Sex : Man Status : Single, without children Birthday : 04 Feb 1979 (46 ) Area : Sausset les Pins |
A few words |
Juste envie de rencontrer du monde, sortir et profiter de la vie. |
Work / Job I am my own boss | Languages I speak FrenchI speak English | Daily life Generous - Altruistic |
Lifestyle / Ideology Relax - Cool - RestEpicurean - Carpe Diem Openmind Unexpected - Last minute | Technology I have a smartphone | I like a culture/food FrenchUSA Asian - Indian Anglo-Saxon Latin American Italian |
Sports Badminton - SquashFootball - Soccer | Physical Activities StrollMatch - Challenge | Games Card games - PokerBoard games WII - Game consoles Bowling Baseball - Boules - Bowls Escape & laser game |
Cultural Activities CinemaMusic | Thinking Philo - Psycho - SocioScience Politics Religion Puzzles - Quiz | Cooking / Eating CookingBrunchs I enjoy wine I enjoy beer |
Entertainment / Info Amusement ParksFunny Television Soap opera - Manga | Nature / Outdoors OutdoorsSea - Beach Gardening - Plants | Special Events BirthdayParty Concert - Festival Aperitif Fairs - Shows |
Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endTravel with a backpack |